Sunday, July 15, 2012

Late Night Ponderings.....

Relationships are a tricky thing.

How do you know that you are meant to be in one?

Is it an overwhelming emotion? Is it a logical decision? Are you always certain?

The real question is: Is it too late to be asking these questions when you're already in a relationship?

If it is.....I am screwed....*bites fingernails*

Having been in a relationship previously with my current SO and this being our second try at love and all things mushy, these are real questions I ask myself often. Particularly because there are several extenuating circumstances complicating an already complicated situation. Should love be easy or complicated? Is it real and true if it happens either way or is there only one path to real and lasting love? With the high rate of divorces and scores of babymamas and babydaddys running rampoant and twitpicing babies with messages to deadbeat parents on their t-shirts, I wonder is trying to make love real is it even worth it? I think some people just aren't meant to be in relationships. Through no fault of their own or the person they are linked to. But how do you exactly figure out which type of person you are? Le Sigh....I want to get to the other side of all the confusion in my life.....but doesn't everyone?

Growing Up Is Hard To Do

I've spent the bulk of my 23 years as someone's student, and it seems for the next bulk of time in my life I will spend as someone's employee. I'm actually okay with that, actually it would be awesome to be someone's greatly salaried employee lol

It's amazing how when you graduate from highschool and prepare for college, people warn you of the pitfalls to avoid like credit card debt, orgies, sexually transmitted diseases, getting caught on video lol etc. But no one tell you the aftermath of college. Once you get your degree, you're fresh faced and ready to take life by the balls.....and life kicks you in the ass. I'm not a history buff by profession but I would say that this is one of the shittiest job markets to enter into in our nation's history. And the loan debts....Sallie Mae being your pimp and you just trying to make rent and have a little fun because then again these are supposed to be the best years of our lives. Our 20's where you are a little wiser than your teen years but not as burdened by responsibility as you will be in your 30's. But the burden of debt and struggling to find a  job all while typically living with your parents....which is bad enough the first go round but to do it as a grown person trying to have a sex life all while respecting their rules. Or you could be on your own like I am with the ultra adult struggle of monthly bills that keep shelter and food and lights in your life. I hate bills.....but I digress....what was I talking about.....oh yeah adulthood is for the birds....

But aside from those realities maturing and venturing out into the big bad world as a 20-something young woman can be a big load of fun. I go out with friends, drink more than I should, tell semi-personal thigns to strangers,and laugh heartily when my drunken friends stumble in the streets. I do things I probably shouldn't, more often or for longer than I should. But I am in my 20s and that's what this 10 year block of time is for. So while, M-F, I ponder debt and work issues but along with everyone else in the workforce I let my hair down on Fridays and remember  I'm young, legally single, and under 25 and I should have a damned good time while I can and do some crazy shit because after all if I don't getting grown and sexy drunk ion my 30s wont be as fun if I don't have any good stories from my 20s to tell =)