They say that all little girls dream of their Prince Charming & their wedding & being a mommy & driving a cool sleek minivan...not this little girl. The idea of boys never ever disgusted me but the idea of monogamy made me go insane before I even knew what the word meant.
As I've grown older, had a few serious entanglements. My perspective has changed. I now consider marriage a goal of mine but not motherhood. But my stance on marriage wavers daily. I have anxiety about marriage or if I should just "shack" for the rest of my life or become a cougar. Marriage only worries me on days that I feel my relationship is in the shitter & my initial impulse is to run. MOTHERHOOD on the other hand scares the bejesus out of me for a variety of reasons. Most including the whole pushing a human out of your vagina part...
Having finally reached the age where more of my peers have children/legal spouses than not the "when are you getting married/having children/doing anything else your friends are doing??" questions have been coming with increasing frequency. It's crazy how people will decide when and what you should do with your life. I think I will end up the oddball who has a marriage/partnership no one understands but I and my partner or will always be happily content being a stepmom or the wife of someone who loves kids but doesnt want to parent any (#kindredsouls) and people will always question my I may as well get my smart ass responses ready now ;-)
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